Like most Anglican churches our services are either from the Book of Common Prayer or from Common Worship. Clergy wear vestments (alb and stole and chasuble for Holy Communion), and cassock, surplice and preaching scarf for other services.
We have a robed choir, and robed servers.
Readings are read by both clergy and lay people (including children at Family Services).
It is usual for lay people to lead the prayers of intercession.
Authorised Lay Ministers, Lay Readers, and people training for ordained ministry also lead worship or parts of worship.
Children and young people are actively encouraged to be part of the worshipping community.
St Clement Parish Church Services:
Sunday @ 10.30 Parish Communion followed by Coffee/Tea at the Parish Church
Tuesday @ Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel (4th Tuesday of the Month.)
Wednesdays @ 10.15 Holy Communion (without music) at the Parish Church followed by Welcome Coffee Morning until 12.30.
Services at Branch Church of St Clement – Humphrey Park Community Centre;
10.30 am – Family Worship on the 1st Sunday of the month.
This is a friendly and informal service of Morning Worship designed for children and adults of all ages.
To hold a community event at St Clements Church, please speak to the Wardens.