Home Worship


St Clement Parish Church

Sunday10.30 am – Parish Communion (Except 5th Sunday of the month).
10.30 am – Morning Worship (5th Sunday of the month only).
Tuesday9.00 am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel (4th Tuesday of the Month).
Wednesday10.15 am – Holy Communion (Except 3rd Wednesday of the month).
10.15 am  Service of the Word. (3rd Wednesday of the month).
The regular services at the Parish Church are followed by coffee, tea, cake and chat at the Welcome Morning.
Anyone can come to the Welcome Mornings, whether they’ve been to the service or not.

St Clement Branch Church at Humphrey Park Community Centre.

Sunday10.30 am – Family Worship on the 1st Sunday of the month. This is a friendly and informal service of Morning Worship designed for children and adults of all ages.
Other Events TBC on the Website www.stclementsonline.co.uk
Email info@stclementsonline.co.uk www.stclementsonline.co.uk
All current services at both the Church and Humphrey Park Community Centre are taken from Common Worship – the primary worship and service book for the Church of England.

Worship at St Clement is for everyone.

We like to celebrate the different seasons of the church’s year and so most of our services are taken from the Church of England Common Worship resources. We use service booklets which are easy to follow. The hymns and songs we sing reflect the theme of the day, all our regular services are followed by refreshments and a chance to get to know people. Most of our worship the clergy and lay leaders wear vestments and enjoy seeing the church ‘dressed’ for the different seasons.

St Clement – Looking forward, through tradition, to God’s future.