Home Who we are Mothers Union

Mothers Union

logo-mothersunion-webWe have a large and lively Branch of the Mothers’ Union that meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Parish Church at 2.pm. There is a varied programme of interesting speakers as well as many other activities and outings arranged throughout the year.

5 times  a year we have a Service in the Lady Chapel at 2pm on occasion we have an independent speaker immediately before the monthly meeting. Every 2 months there is a short act of worship in church at 2pm on a Wednesday.

The Mothers Union is also a campaigning organization, and we contribute to fundraising and awareness raising of many issues that affect families in both England and around the world.

  • Do you know that the MU is not exclusively a women’s group ?
  • Men are welcome to attend meetings and become full members if they wish.

If you would like to know more about the Mothers’ Union contact, Marilyn Jones · 0161 747 6596.

Information about the national organization can be found at:  http://www.mothersunion.org


20/03/2025 Mother`s Union Service 2pm.
17/04/2025 Mother`s Union Service 2pm. Bring and share.

At the moment Meetings are held in the Parish Church at 2pm unless otherwise advised.

For further information about the years programme and dates for Deanery or Diocesan events please contact Marilyn Jones · 0161 747 6596 .