Social justice lies at the heart of the Gospel. The Kingdom of God is a place where justice and mercy prevail.
The Church of England is committed to challenging unjust structures of society and helping to bring about change for those in great need.
As a local parish church we are working on our commitment to social justice. If you are interested in getting more involved please talk to the Churchwarden`s Ron or Steve who will be pleased to help.
Currently St Clement is a collection place for items for Stretford Food bank, Wood St Mission and The Booth Centre.
We also support Trafford Vets and Trafford Ramblers.
We are also open MON-WED-FRI 09.30am until 12.30pm. All are Welcome.
We also raise money for appeals when there is a particular need (currently Ukraine and Israel in the wake of the WAR). Anyone is welcome to donate money which will be sent directly to the appeal fund.
The Mothers Union also raise funds for local, national and international projects.
If you have ideas about how we can become more involved in bringing about a fairer society, or challenging unjust structures please talk to us about it.